This the first movie in Phase Three of the MCU. In this installment, the Avengers are in deep doodoo after the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron so the powers that be want to create some accountability for them. This creates some dissention within the team causing the Avengers to pick sides.
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Accompanying Viewing
TV MCU: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D – Season 3, Episode 20-22
TV MCU: Marvel’s Luke Cage – Season 1
TV MCU: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D – Season 4 – First half
Viewing Locations*
Amazon Rental/Digital, DVD and Amazon also offers a box set of all three Captain America movies.
*These viewing locations are only good for the date of publication. DVD and streaming options change constantly.
Discussion Question
This ultimate discussion question lies in this movie. Do you think the Avengers are doing what is right or do they need to be reined in? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, on our Facebook page or on Twitter using the hastag #MarvelMovieMarathon.
Marvel Fun Fact
Costume designer Judianna Makovsky said all of Chris Evans’s scenes where he is wearing a t-shirt, the shirts were purposefully many sizes smaller than his actual size so that his muscles pop on camera. Evans said all his T-shirt scenes are scheduled at the start of the filming because he loses a lot of weight over the months it takes to film a Marvel movie because wearing the Captain America suit makes him lose a lot of his size.
If you want to go back to the beginning of our marathon or jump forward, here is the marathon timeline:
Movie 1 – Captain America – The First Avenger
Movie 2 – Captain Marvel
Movie 3 – Iron Man
Movie 4 – The Incredible Hulk
Movie 5 – Iron Man 2
Movie 6 – Thor
Movie 7 – Marvel’s The Avengers
Movie 8 – Iron Man 3
Movie 9 – Thor: The Dark World
Movie 10 – Captain America: Winter Soldier
Movie 11 – Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 1
Movie 12 – Avengers: Age of Ultron
Movie 13 – Ant Man
Movie 14 – Captain America: Civil War
Movie 15 – Doctor Strange
Movie 16 – Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2
Movie 17 – Spider-Man: Homecoming
Movie 18 – Thor: Ragnarok
Movie 19 – Black Panther
Movie 20 – Avengers: Infinity War
Movie 21 – Ant-Man & The Wasp
Sue Nowicki is an alumna of the 2014/15 Disney Parks Moms Panel. She splits her time between planning her next Walt Disney World vacation and running a travel volleyball club where she fills the roles of secretary, navigator, head cheerleader, treasurer, athletic trainer and team psychologist. You can follow her on Twitter @TeamMom365.
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